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The day-to-day of living full time on a boat with a dog, the life at sea and at anchor.
Where have we been?

Sailing The Dream
Nov 27, 2023
Check in Cayenne, French Guiana - a wild goose chase
We walked the commercial harbour perimeter to reach the entrance road, lined with different businesses, shipping agents -not the authorities

Nov 18, 2023
Navigating the South Equatorial Current: Sailing from Brazil to French Guiana
Due to the light breeze, our SOW had dropped drastically to just 4.5 knots, whilst the SOG remained at 7 knots, sometimes more!

May 27, 2023
Ilha dos Lençóis - The island of sand dunes
When going to the village for our daily internet fix we really needed to wait for the high tide to avoid sinking in the soft mud and sand.

Sailing The Dream
May 20, 2023
Brazil, São LuÃs - a difficult check-out
With the flop of our previous day with the anchorage in Alcântara and now in São Luis with waves breaking violently on our stern

May 13, 2023
Camocim to Tutóia, or give it a second and third thought to Alcântara
Our SOG getting lower and lower, as we were just past the middle of the bay we were doing only 2 knots and shortly after our speed was betwe

Sailing The Dream
May 10, 2023
Brazil, Camocim - arrival and departure pass and visit by the Navy
We were inside but noticed the jet ski looked like it had Coast Guard signs, so I came to the cockpit to see what it was all about.

May 7, 2023
Camocim - the village of dunes and freshwater pools
the view was incredible, we could see the mangrove forest and river extending to our right and several dunes with fresh water pools

Apr 30, 2023
Sailing the north coast of Brazil - Cabedelo to Camocim
A very nervous 1h as we made our way through the narrow passage, but we did cross it without any hiccups.

Sailing The Dream
Apr 25, 2023
Brazil, Cabedelo & João Pessoa - arrival and departure we pass with a Customs stressful moment
But no, they had not mentioned this small detail of the use period matching our original visas, and now we had 3 days to avoid having to pay

Apr 23, 2023
Sailing north, up the Brazilian coast - Maceió to Cabedelo
We powered up the radar that was on standby since morning and saw it, the big pink stain indicating that we were right, a Pirajá

Apr 16, 2023
Sailing north, up the Brazilian coast - Salvador to Maceió
For hours that day, the wind would blow nearly nothing (up to 4 knots) or it would be 15-18 knots whenever we got hit by squalls

Sailing The Dream
Apr 13, 2023
Brazil, Salvador - arrival and departure pass or maybe it’s not needed - it’s the flavour of the day
They called the supervisor that came in and gave us a big lecture that Camamu was part of the Salvador harbourmaster territory…

Apr 8, 2023
Transat - Repairs off the beaten track and another lesson learned - part 3
Between the suitcase and the new autopilot, I was already close to my weight allowance leaving only room for some clothes I could use to pad

Apr 2, 2023
Transat - Repairs off the beaten track and another lesson learned - part 2
After having our spirits crushed again when the autopilot blew the fuse after a couple of hours of use, we decided, we had nothing to loose

Mar 25, 2023
Sailing to Camamu, the waterfalls and back to Salvador
There were a few narrow passages where we would be way closer to shore than comfortable, at the lowest point of our navigation we found 3.4m

Mar 18, 2023
The Bay of Todos os Santos, Bahia
big Araras (Macaws) visit the boats on the mooring field looking for snacks and are quite friendly, resting on people’s heads, on the boats

Mar 11, 2023
Transat - Repairs off the beaten track and another lesson learned - part 1
The dark cloud had rolled back over our heads, and we knew we had an urgent problem to be solved before we could start exploring the country

Mar 5, 2023
Sailing South, down the Brazilian coast Recife to Salvador
We were just doing a huge circle around the boat when we saw a day tripper boat approach our boat a bit without care grabbing the stanchions

Feb 25, 2023
Transat - the Hydrovane and the jury rig
Despite being back at steering with the Hydrovane quite successfully, the failure of the autopilot presented a huge problem.

Feb 18, 2023
A taste of Recife and Olinda
Distractedly we followed Google directions, and all of a sudden, we found ourselves in a favela (slum).

Sailing The Dream
Feb 14, 2023
Brazil , Recife - checking in again??
The officers look at John slightly disapproving, and immediately I said I had a pair of trousers for him in the backpack, it was so hot...

Feb 11, 2023
Atlantic Crossing - Last leg - Fernando de Noronha to Recife
I explained we couldn’t go much more to the shallows and that we were just waiting for the night tide to come in although we were having tro

Feb 5, 2023
Transat - Breakages and risk mitigation
When we set about on this passage we knew that this was not just yet another long passage. This was a challenging route driven by three mome

Sailing The Dream
Jan 31, 2023
Brazil, Fernando de Noronha - checking in
Everyone already knew we had arrived before we dropped anchor, not because of our AIS or some fancy monitoring system.

Jan 29, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 10 + 5 hours and 40 minutes - Land Oh Brazil!
It’s quite an interesting experience to hand steer a 50ft through a mooring field of 30+ft boats after spending more than 10 days at sea

Jan 29, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 10 - We caught a fish!
We look at our beast! It is gorgeous and will keep us fed for really long time, nothing will go to waste.

Jan 28, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 9 - Bye bye Northern Hemisphere!
A lot of discussion of our track and decisions and we still think our planning was the best bet that involved minimal time in the doldrums

Jan 27, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 8 - The Doldrums
After a near sleepless night going through what it felt like the deluge of a lifetime we needed to complete the installation of the tiller

Jan 26, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 7 - Could it be that we are free?
After a few hours rest we start working on John’s plan to sort out a structure to mount the tiller Pilot we bought specifically for this

Jan 25, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 6 - Acceptance
We did a quick test of the autopilot now that it had cooled off but it seems it’s dead. It was just too much pressure from the sea weed

Jan 24, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 5 - The butter has melted and maybe also did the autopilot
No matter how we trim the sails we seem to be doing less speed than before, can only imagine how much of this seaweed we are trailing

Jan 23, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 4 - Caught in the evil golden claws of Sargassum sea weed
Since we lost the 240v on the first day the menu consisted of room temperature seafood paella twice, room temperature

Jan 22, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 3 - Loom and gloom
For some reason I’m not being able to settle the hydrovane on an angle of 110AWA but I can 120-130 and even 80-90AWA but not what we need. (

Jan 21, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 2 - No 240v, no hot meals or drinks…
We spent the entire first half of the day trying to catch up on our sleep but not very effectively, too many things going through our minds.

Jan 21, 2023
Transat Diary - Day 1 - A rough start
More discussion, after all there was no fat chance to get it fixed in the Cape Verdes so we decided to proceed and shut the raw water intake

Jan 16, 2023
Transat - the last day, the last preparations
With all that done it was time to relax in the cockpit.
My mind however had different plans and was constantly going through lists

Sailing The Dream
Jan 6, 2023
Cape Verde, Mindelo - checking in, out and about
He explains he will keep our boat registration documents and that before moving on to another island we need to come here to get a clearance

Jan 1, 2023
Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde - the wrong turn
That’s when we came to full realisation of our mistake. We should have made landfall on the most Eastern island of the archipelago, Sal.

Sailing The Dream
Dec 29, 2022
2022-12-17>23 Passito Blanco, Gran Canaria, Canaries, Spain > Mindelo, São Vicente, Cape Verde
Logbook extract for the sailing trip from Canary Islands, Spain to Mindelo, São Vicente, Cape Verde 849 nautical miles in 152 hours

Dec 26, 2022
First trade winds of many - Gran Canaria to Mindelo, Cape Verde’s
We kept the two sails poled for a short while and until after sunset when the wind decided to pick up more than we felt comfortable with

Sailing The Dream
Nov 27, 2022
The Dream - LiFePo4
A total of 600Ah capacity would give us up to 480Ah of usable power (at 80% discharge) of usable capacity with a total weight of 60kg

Sailing The Dream
Nov 20, 2022
Galley mini-refit - Gimballed induction cooktop and convection oven
Since the beginning of our boat travels we did not like the idea of LPG on the boat.

Nov 13, 2022
An upwind sail from Madeira to La Graciosa, Canaries
This was it we were going to sail upwind to the Canaries when most people sail downwid to get there!

Sailing The Dream
Nov 6, 2022
Coppercoat antifoul treatment - preparation & application (part 2)
This stage of the preparation of the hull was not only backbreaking but also psychologically challenging.

Sailing The Dream
Oct 30, 2022
2022-10-25>27 Machico, Madeira, Portugal > Playa Francesca, La Graciosa, Canaries, Spain
Logbook extract for the sailing trip from Madeira, Portugal to La Graciosa, Canary Islands, Spain 272 nautical miles in 46 hours

Sailing The Dream
Oct 24, 2022
Coppercoat antifoul treatment - considerations and costs (part 1)
A pure cost analysis not factoring inflation over a period of 10 years puts normal antifoul paint at 4500€ against the 4200€ of Coppercoat

Sailing The Dream
Oct 13, 2022
Building a hardtop - costs, other numbers and conclusions (part 6)
To our surprise the weight difference between the old set-up with the original Bimini and the new hardtop was negligible.

Oct 12, 2022
Half-day sail from Porto Santo island to Madeira Island
We start getting closer to Madeira, the winds start pressing blowing close to 20 knots true wind, and we pick up a bit more speed 7/8 knots

Sailing The Dream
Sep 25, 2022
2022-09-17>20 Cascais, Portugal > Porto Santo, Madeira, Portugal
Extract of the Logbook for the sailing trip from Cascais, Portugal to Porto Santo, Madeira, Portugal 486 nautical miles in 79 hours

Sep 21, 2022
A fast run from Cascais to the Madeira Archipelago
The PredictWind routing weather forecast did tell us the previous days that we should have tracked north to try and keep with the winds
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