Checking in and out of Lisbon is in principle very easy, the marinas can arrange/assist for Customs Immigration to come to the office for the passport procedures and they inform the remaining authorities of the arrival and departure of any foreign vessel leaving to them the decision to come and inspect the boat or not.
Despite this, we usually don’t resort to the marina office assistance on contacting Customs Immigration because that obviously takes longer and requires scheduling. In reality, their office is just in the city side harbour entrance, there’s always someone on duty any time of the day or night and they are super efficient and nice, so we just pop into their office minutes before our departure and get our passports stamped out easily.
We usually have strange schedules when departing from Lisbon area because we don’t like to round the Cape of Sagres during dark hours when heading south and this way we get all done at our convenience.
SEF - Servico de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras Poro de Lisboa
Rua da Cintura do Porto de Lisbo
***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community. In this post you can find information regarding check in and out procedures with location for the Immigration