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Leaving Macau with a dog

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If finding information regarding the steps for Bringing a pet to Macau wasn't easy, the equivalent of leaving was also not sugar sweet. It required lot's of talks with other expats leaving the territory (unfortunately because not all headed to the same countries the requirements were different) and a few phone calls and visits to the government veterinary services at IACM.

And YES, only the IACM vets are authorised to take care of the procedures and necessary documents to export a pet, no other vets in Macau are authorised to do it.

Below is a step-by-step list of all necessary documentation, procedures and inspections to leave Macau with a dog.

Note that we left Macau through the Macau International Airport and most people leave through Hong Kong so there are a few other steps to add to the journey (I'll try include to that info also)

(This post outlines the steps but whenever relevant I've written a separate post just to address the specific details of that step, click on the link for the correspondent info)


"only the IACM vets are authorised to take care of the procedures and necessary documents to export a pet, no other vets in Macau are authorised to do it"



1. Dog age, vaccination and identification

The dog to be exported must be more than 3 months old and have current Macau pet license and valid rabies vaccination (properly registered on the IACM vaccines card which is an approved international format). The anti-rabies vaccine can only be given by IACM vet in Macau.

A lot of the countries now require pets to have been vaccinated against Rabies within a year before travelling but not less than a month prior travelling, so you may need to get a booster vaccine.

It is advisable to have the pet identified with an International microchip with 13 digits (AVID*123*456*789) when we got Ella's license the IACM was using a different type of microchip that may be not accepted in most countries so it is worth checking in advance what are they using.

2. Destination country importation requirements for pets

The easiest way is to contact the nearest embassy of the destination country, they are quite used to providing this level of information and guidance. Especially because sometimes finding the actual department responsible for these cases can be tricky.

With the embassy information as guidance should be reasonably easy to get all needed. Another good source is the website PetTravel but this should always be crossed referenced with the official authorities.

Note that the requirements should be gathered around 4 months prior travelling due to specific testing or treatments that may need to be carried before travelling.

3. Is it required a Rabies Antibody Titre test (FAVN)?

Just for this step, it may take around 3 months for completion and without it, the process gets stopped here.

To travel in and out of Europe, Australia and United Kingdom this is a mandatory test, just to mention a few of the most common destinations.

4. Sanitary / Health Certificate

Once the positive result of the Rabies Titre exam arrives is time to get ready for the next step.

Within 10 days before travelling (calendar days) the dog needs to be inspected by the IACM vets so they can issue the Health Certificate.

This can only be done in the Macau Municipal Kennel and it requires the application form to be printed and completed in advance, form download link.

They will most probably have to administer a deworming pill to your dog. Despite my queries about it in advance, I was not informed so didn't come prepared. Lesson learned, always bring your own deworming systems together with the box or informative leaflet. They administered or should I say I had to administer Dontral to my dog which means that now for a full month I cannot use our regular deworming system that covers more than Drontal does including heartworm.

The certificate takes 1 working day to be ready.

Macau Municipal Kennel / 澳門市政狗房

Avenida do Almirante Lacerda, Macau


5. Export Declaration Form - "Declaração de importação e exportação (A)"

The form can be bought at the below address and needs to be presented to the Macau Customs Service at the departure port for export procedures.

Public Information Center/ 民政總署綜合服務中心

Rua do Campo, nos 188-198, Vicky Plaza, Macau


6. Fees

(i) Rabies Antibody Titre Exam (FAVN) related fees refer to separate post How to get a Rabies Antibody Titre exam (in Macau) for more details

(ii) Sanitary / Health Certificate:

(a) Macau standard certificate: application fee MOP$120 plus taxes (MOP$10 per page) (b) Additional documents: MOP$5 per page

(iii) Export Declaration Form: MOP$4

7. Macau Customs Service

This is the final step to leave Macau, once you arrive your port of exit customs have to check all the documents.

We left through the Macau International Airport and the customs officer was by our side in less the time it took me to cross the security check before the check-in area. When the exit is done through the cargo ferry I'm not sure how this final step is done but will try and find out and write an update.

*** All the content provided on this post is for informational purposes only, not replacing any additional research or contact with local authorities when exporting a pet from Macau. The owners of this website will not be liable for any errors or omission in this information nor the availability of information found when following any link on this post. *** If you have experience leaving Macau with your pet give us a shout and help us improve this post contents so that other pet parents may more easily get to their new home.



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