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2019-04-10>12 Siracusa, Sicily, Italy > Preveza, Greece

Writer's picture: Sailing The DreamSailing The Dream

Time zone UTC + 0.00

Local hour (Italy) + 2.00

Local hour (Greece) + 3.00

05.30 - Departure from Siracusa, 1 Reef on the Mainsail

Coordinates 37º03’486N 015.º17’006E

06.20 - Genoa and we are out of the bay

Coordinates 37º03’026N 015.º19’735E

Heading: 100 degrees

Wind speed: 16 knots

Wind direction: 135 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1014 atm

Cloud coverage: 10%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5.5 knots

07.00 - Main and Code 0C

Coordinates 37º03’656N 015.º23’552E

Heading: 070 degrees

Wind speed: 15 knots

Wind direction: 120 degrees from port

Barometer: 1014 atm

Cloud coverage: 10%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5 knots

08.00 - Shake of Reef on the Main sail

Coordinates 37º05’668N 015.º28’060E

Heading: 065 degrees

Wind speed: 10 knots

Wind direction: 100 degrees from port

Barometer: 1014 atm

Cloud coverage: 05%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5 knots

09.30 - Tuna on the line

Coordinates 37º09’231N 015.º37’008E

Heading: 070 degrees

Wind speed: 4 knots

Wind direction: 40 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1014 atm

Cloud coverage: 10%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5.5 knots

Big Tuna on the port reel, John quickly pulled all the line from the starboard reel and then got on to working on the port reel where the tuna was while I (Ana), tried to slow down the boat. Turning to upwind or to downwind was not working, the sail has a sweet spot where it picks up speed or simply stays as if we hadn’t really done anything so option was to turn downwind and try a furl the Code 0C by myself and hope it wouldn’t form an hourglass. With difficulty the Code 0C got furled, engine started but kept in neutral, swim platform dropped and John could work the reel better but as he was finally managing to bring the tuna in it got caught in a groove on the swim platform. As I was trying to help getting it loose and onto the boat the fish got loose!

It must have been close to 10KG tuna it was huge and so sad to see him away.

When unfurling the Code 0C we immediately found out that although it looked that I had managed to furl it okay, it didn’t. it was now doing an hourglass as unfurling, I (Ana) went to the front to try and control the lines while John would try to slowly furl and unfurl the sail to see if the hourglass would come undone. Between the two of us we managed to get the sail back into good shape.

10.30 - Genoa and Main sail

Coordinates 37º11’263N 015.º45’224E

Heading: 105 degrees

Wind speed: 7.5 knots

Wind direction: 95 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1010 atm

Cloud coverage: 10%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 4.5 knots

14.15 - Main sail 1 Reef, 3 Reefs on the Genoa

Coordinates 37º15’964N 016.º10’045E

Heading: 080 degrees

Wind speed: 14 knots

Wind direction: 150 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1002 atm

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: rally with 2 meter waves

SOG: 5.5 knots

Barometer dropped 12 points in 9h.

21.20 - Engine on and main only with 1 Reef

Heading: 080 degrees

Wind speed: 6 knots

Wind direction: 40 degrees from port

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: swell 2 meters

SOG: 6 knots

Big thunderstorm on our port side 24nm distance, we can see the constant lightning striking the water in the horizon. Lots of cargo ships in the area of the storm according to the AIS

04.15 - 1 Reef on Main, 2 Reefs on Genoa

Coordinates 37º40’959N 017.º40’141E

Heading: 080 degrees

Wind speed: 13 knots

Wind direction: 150 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1016 atm

Cloud coverage: 60%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 6 knots

Chartplotter with radar overlay - storms

06.10 - Full main sail and Code 0C

Coordinates 37º44’633N 017.º50’730E

Heading: 075 degrees

Wind speed: 5.5 knots

Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1016 atm

Cloud coverage: 60%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 4 knots

08.10 - 1 Reef on the Main and engine on

Coordinates 37º47’277N 018.º01’357E

Heading: 065 degrees

Wind speed: 4.5 knots

Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1008 atm

Cloud coverage: 60%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 6.2 knots

Barometer dropped 8 points in 2h, heavy clouds that looked like a weather front in the horizon.

10.00 - Barometer still dropping

Coordinates 37º52’528N 018.º13’869E

Heading: 065 degrees

Wind speed: 3 knots

Wind direction: 60 - 0 degrees from port

Barometer: 1006 atm

Cloud coverage: 50%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 6 knots

Wind has shifted from Starboard to Port.

12.20 - Full main and Genoa

Coordinates 37º58’577N 018.º27’976E

Heading: 065 degrees

Wind speed: 8.5 knots

Wind direction: 80 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1004 atm

Cloud coverage: 90%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 6 knots

13.50 - Main, Genoa and engine on

Coordinates 38º02’699N 018.º37’488E

Heading: 065 degrees

Wind speed: 4 knots

Wind direction: 60 degrees from starboard

Cloud coverage: 100%

Visibility: 100%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 6.4 knots

Very heavy clouds around us, and we can clearly see the fronts moving sucking up all the wind.

18.30 - 1 Reef on the Main, Genoa and engine on

Coordinates 38º15’334N 019.º06’896E

Heading: 090 degrees

Wind speed: 20 knots

Wind direction: 45 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1010 atm

Cloud coverage: 100%

Visibility: 100%

Sea state: rolly

SOG: 5 knots

Lightning in the distance

05.40 - The storm caught us

Coordinates 38º41’736N 020.º10’351E

Heading: 070 degrees

Wind speed: 12.5 knots

Wind direction: 30 degrees from port

Cloud coverage: 100%

Visibility: 100%

Sea state: rolly

SOG: 5.5 knots

Storm caught up with us and we are getting lightning strikes less than 2nm from us, it raining hail of 10mm size and pouring ridiculous amounts.

12.00 - Arrival to Preveza

Coordinates 38º57’938N 020.º45’550E

Total hours of the trip: 54.5h

Total hours sailing: 21.5h

Total hours motor-sailing: 24.5h

Total hours motoring: 33h

Average Speed Over Ground: 4.7knots

Maximum Speed Over Ground: 9.2knots

Distance: 294.1nm

***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.



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