Time zone UTC + 0.00
Local hour (Italy) + 2.00
Local hour (Tunisia) + 1.00
14.10 - Departure from Hammamet
Coordinates 36º22’384N 010.º32’756E
14.30 - Mainsail and Code 0C
Coordinates 36º21’096N 010.º33’658E
Heading: 145 degrees
Wind speed: 3.3 knots
Barometer: 1010 atm
Cloud coverage: 80%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 3.5 knots
15.15 - Mainsail and Genoa
Coordinates 36º19’168N 010.º36’482E
Heading: 130 degrees
Wind speed: 15 knots
Barometer: 1010 atm
Cloud coverage: 80%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 6.1 knots
When furling the Code 0C it made a huge hourglass shape had to do an emergency drop, Phillipe and John managed to pull it not the cockpit, while Rubens hand steered and I dropped the sail. With the help of Rita I then managed to get it in the salon through the roof hatch.
01.30 - 1 reef Mainsail and 2 reefs Genoa
Coordinates 36º41’851N 011.º38’511E
Heading: 060 degrees
Wind speed: 16 knots
Barometer: 1012 atm
Cloud coverage: 50%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 6.3 knots
04.30 - Sails down - Engine on
Coordinates 36º49’275N 011.º50’877E
Heading: 085 degrees
Wind speed: 11 knots
Barometer: 1012 atm
Cloud coverage: 50%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 4.7 knots
Pantelleria Island is already insight, lots of fishing boats trawling we need to slow down to arrive with light.
06.00 - Arrived Pantelleria
Coordinates 36º50’851085N 011.º356’269E
Anchor down on the NW bay of Pantelleria, got called by the Harbour Master on Channel 16 of the VHF, apparently we were supposed toe quest permission to enter the bay and to drop anchor. We can stay a couple of hours to rest and carry on.
08.00 - Depart Pantelleria
Coordinates 36º50’315N 011.º55’739E
Heading: 230 degrees
Wind speed: 9 knots
Barometer: 1012 atm
Cloud coverage: 60%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 2.4 knots
Main and Genoa
09.00 - Out of the wind shadow of the island
Coordinates 36º49’025N 011.º51’509E
Heading: 230 degrees
Wind speed: 13 knots
Barometer: 1012 atm
Cloud coverage: 60%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: light waves
SOG: 6.3 knots
13.40 - 1 reef Mainsail and 1 reef Genoa
Coordinates 36º36’170N 011.º18’245E
Heading: 245 degrees
Wind speed: 15 knots
Barometer: 1012 atm
Cloud coverage: 70%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: licht chop
SOG: 8 knots
20.00 - Arrival to Hammamet
Coordinates 36º22’382N 010.º32’753E
Heading: 060 degrees
Wind speed: 16 knots
Barometer: 1012 atm
Cloud coverage: 70%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: chop
Total hours of the trip: 43h
Total hours sailing: 38h
Total hours motor-sailing: 5h
Total hours motoring: 11h
Average Speed Over Ground: 5knots
Maximum Speed Over Ground: 9.7knots
Distance: 161.5nm
We did this trip to clear Ana's passport 90 day visa that was expiring and we didn't had a fully operational wind instruments, a great test sail to begin the season in company of great friends!

***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.