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Writer's pictureSailing The Dream

2018-09-12&13 Palermo, Italy > Hammamet, Tunisia

Time zone UTC + 0.00

Local hour (Italy) + 2.00

Local hour (Tunisia) + 1.00

09.15 - Departure from Palermo

Coordinates 38º07’278N 013.º22’164E

Wind speed: 5 knots

Wind direction: 8 degrees from port

Water temp: 40 C

Barometer: 1024 atm

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5.3 knots

09.35 - Hoisting Mainsail

Coordinates 38º07’900N 013.º23’153E

Heading: 355 degrees

Wind speed: 6.2 knots

Wind direction: 15 degrees from starboard

Water temp: 40 C

Barometer: 1024 atm

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5.4 knots

12.05 - Unfurl Code 0C

Coordinates 38º14’067N 013.º13’191E

Heading: 270 degrees

Wind speed: 8.9 knots

Wind direction: 100 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1017 atm

Cloud coverage: 30%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: 0.5m swell

SOG: 5.1 knots

Transducer stopped working!

15.30 - Dolphins! The largest pod ever!!!

Coordinates 38.º13’265N 012.º47’244E

Heading: 265 degrees

Wind speed: 11.4 knots

Wind direction: 100 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1018 atm

Cloud coverage: 40%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: light swell

SOG: 6 knots

16.00 - Arrival to the Egadi Islands change direction south. Furl Code 0C

Coordinates 38.º12’895N 012.º44’610E

Heading: 245 degrees

Wind speed: 10.8 knots

Wind direction: 150 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1019 atm

Cloud coverage: 40%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: ripples

SOG: 6.4 knots

17.00 - Code 0C

Coordinates 38.º10’595N 012.º37’191E

Heading: 245 degrees

Wind speed: 11.8 knots

Wind direction: 135 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1020 atm

Cloud coverage: 40%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: ripples

SOG: 6.5 knots

19.00 - Mainsail only

Coordinates 38.º05’580N 012.º24’279E

Heading: 250 degrees

Wind speed: 12.6 knots

Wind direction: 135 degrees from starboard

Barometer: 1020 atm

Cloud coverage: 40%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: rolly

SOG: 5.5 knots

21.45 - Motor. Customs checking us up…

Coordinates 37.º55’461N 012.º13’099E

Heading: 195 degrees

Wind speed: 8 knots

Wind direction: 150 degrees from port

Cloud coverage: 40%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: light roll

SOG: 5.1 knots

It’s John’s shift and a power boat is coming in our direction without AIS, John adjusted the position but the boat is clearly intending to pass quite close to our port side, as they approach a huge spot/search light turns on and they slowdown. For sure is Italian Maritime Police (Guardia Costeria) or their Policia di Finanzia (Tax/Finance police).

No contact over VHF and shortly after they carry on their way as fast as they approached us.

06.00 - Crossing the Sicily channel

Coordinates 37.º12’980N 011.º41’930E

Heading: 215 degrees

Wind speed: 1.9 knots

Wind direction:

Cloud coverage: 80%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: calm

SOG: 5.7 knots

09.15 - Caught a Mahi-Mahi 2h ago and just saw a big turtle!

Coordinates 36.º59’570N 011.º27’593E

Heading: 220 degrees

Wind speed: 15 knots

Wind direction: 85 degrees from starboard

Cloud coverage: 100%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: light chop

SOG: 7.5 knots

8.5kg Mahi-Mahi

12.50 - Furl Genoa, engine on. Approaching Hammamet.

Coordinates 36.º40’766N 011.º09’814E

Heading: 230 degrees

Wind speed: 9 knots

Wind direction: 50 degrees from starboard

Cloud coverage: 100%

Visibility: 90%

Sea state: light chop

SOG: 5.3 knots

Approaching Hammamet, lots of very hard to see fishing pots. We can only see them when we are already on top of them, most are half submerged. Also the Tuny nets and fish farms are not where indicated on the charts.

20.30 - Arrival to Hammamet

Coordinates 36.º22’384N 010.º32’756E

Transducer is working again.

Total hours of the trip: 23h

Distance: 193nm

***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.



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