Time zone UTC + 0.00
Local hour (Italy) + 2.00
09.00 - Departure from Palinuro
Coordinates 40º04’081N 015.º37’772E
Wind speed: 3.3 knots
Wind direction: 40 degrees from port
Water temp: 40 C
Barometer: 1015 atm
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.3 knots
09.20 - Hoisting Mainsail
Coordinates 40º03’092N 015.º37’071E
Wind speed: 3.3 knots
Wind direction: 40 degrees from port
Water temp: 40 C
Barometer: 1014 atm
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.3 knots
09.55 - Unfurl Genoa
Coordinates 39.º59’728N 015.º35’800E
Heading: 155 degrees
Wind speed: 12.5 knots
Wind direction: 80 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 40 C
Barometer: 1013 atm
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 8 knots
11.00 - Furl Genoa, we are not racing
Coordinates 39.º52’982N 015.º34’371E
Heading: 200 degrees
Wind speed: 16.5 knots
Wind direction: 85 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 40 C
Barometer: 1012 atm
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 4 knots
13.00 - Wind still not according to forecast
Coordinates 39.º44’580N 015.º33’529E
Heading: 185 degrees
Wind speed: 15 knots
Wind direction: 100 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 40 C
Barometer: 1011 atm
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 4.3 knots
14.50 - Genoa and mainsail
Coordinates 39.º34’434N 015.º31’578E
Heading: 200 degrees
Wind speed: 10 knots
Wind direction: 90 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 40 C
Barometer: 1009 atm
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.6 knots
16.30 - Land oh! I can see a Volcano!
Coordinates 39.º25’951N 015.º27’927E
Heading: 205 degrees
Wind speed: 4.5 knots
Wind direction: 100 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 40 C
Barometer: 1009 atm
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.9 knots

We can see Stromboli volcano!
01.00 - Rounding Stromboli
Coordinates 38.º40’873N 015.º03’768E
Heading: 210 degrees
Wind speed: 3.5 knots
Water temp: 38.4 C
Cloud coverage: 10%
Visibility: 90%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 5.4 knots
04.40 - Arrival to Vulcano Island
Coordinates 38.º24’967N 014.º57’723E
Anchorage is quite deep and smells like rotten eggs.
Total hours of the trip: 20.5h
Distance: 118nm
***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.