Time zone UTC + 0.00
Local hour (Spain) + 2.00
05.30 - Departure from Real Club Nautico in Calpe
Coordinates 38.º37'698N 000.º04'240E
Water temp: 16.9 C
Barometer: 1009
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 10%
Sea state: calm
06.00 - Downwind
Coordinates 38.º39'475N 000.º10'300E
Heading: 072 degrees
Wind speed: 20 knots
Wind direction: 160 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 16.9 C
Barometer: 1009
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 10%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 7.8 knots
07.30 - Auto-pilot seems fine
Coordinates 38.º10’223N 000.º23’052E
Heading: 070 degrees
Wind speed: 19 knots
Wind direction: 170 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 17.4 C
Barometer: 1010
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 10%
Sea state: calm
SOG: 6.3 knots
Auto-pilot seems to be working fine now, maybe we had an incorrect setting.
08.40 - Adjust course to avoid towing boat
Coordinates 38.º43’544N 000.º30’268E
Heading: 080 degrees
Wind speed: 24.5 knots
Wind direction: 140 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 17 C
Barometer: 1008
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 10%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 8.3 knots
Passing the TSS in fron tof Dernia, there's a big cargo ship moving very slowly cutting the TSS diagonally and a smaller boat in front.
At first it wasn't clear what was going on, only the big cargo ship shows on AIS but says vessel not in command, yet it is clearly moving.
With the help of the binoculars we think it might being towed by the smaller vessel but not sure, a converstaion in spanish/english over the radio earlier mentioned a boat under restricted mobility going to Toulon, captain was requesting for a clear path, the other vessel was not cooperating.
As we approach is still not clear whats going on, so we call them on the VHF radio and without wasting time with chit chat we state our intentions as it is not clear for us whats going on with those two vessels: we are not sure of both vessels intentions so we will divert and pass behind, please held your course while we avoid both vessels.
Reply from the other side was a happy thank you, they are being towed indeed but the barge towing them has no AIS and that has been proving difficult to manage in regards of other vessels.
10.10 - Ibiza Sea Channel
Coordinates 38.º45’4339N 000.º44’047E
Heading: 082 degrees
Wind speed: 20 knots
Wind direction: 130 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 16.9 C
Barometer: 1006
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 05%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 7.4 knots
10.50 - Reef 1 on both sails
Coordinates 38.º45’939N 000.º50’409E
Heading: 085 degrees
Wind speed: 18 knots
Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 17.1 C
Barometer: 1005
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 05%
Sea state: 1light chop
SOG: 7.3 knots
11.50 - Beam reach
Coordinates 38.º46’764N 000.º59’402E
Heading: 088 degrees
Wind speed: 19 knots
Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 16.9 C
Barometer: 1004
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 10%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 8.1 knots
14.50 - Passage between Ibiza and Formentera
Coordinates 38.º50’438N 001.º26’329E
Heading: 022 degrees
Wind speed: 20 knots
Wind direction: 120 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 17.5 C
Barometer: 1003
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 80%
Sea state: light chop
SOG: 6.3 knots
15.30 - Arrived Cala Talamanca
Coordinates 38.º54’504N 001.º27’392E
Wind speed: 9 knots
Wind direction: 20 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 17.7 C
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 80%
Sea state: calm
16.30 - Anchored
Coordinates 38.º54’504N 001.º27’392E
Wind speed: 8 knots
Wind direction: 23 degrees from starboard
Water temp: 17.7 C
Cloud coverage: 90%
Visibility: 80%
Sea state: calm but with swell

Total hours of the trip: 11h
Total hours sailing: 9h
Total hours motoring: 2h
Distance: 68nm
***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.