Time zone UTC + 0.00
Local hour (Spain) + 1.00
Local hour (Gibraltar) + 2.00
04.10 - Departure from Puerto Sherry in Cadiz
Coordinates 36.º34’520N 006.º15’702W
Heading: 265 degrees
Wind speed: Force 1
Wind direction: South East
Cloud coverage: Clear
Visibility: Good
Sea state: Calm
Wicked Levante winds have settled down, enough to motor all the way to Gibraltar.
07.00 - Lots of fishing boats none on AIS
Coordinates 36.º21’433N 006.º18’463W
Heading: 160 degrees
Wind speed: Force 3
Wind direction: South East
Cloud coverage: Clear
Visibility: Good
Sea state: Ripples
09.40 - Autopilot turned 180 degrees
Coordinates 36.º06’993N 006.º06’259W
Heading: 091 degrees
Wind speed: Force 4
Wind direction: South East
Cloud coverage: Clear
Visibility: Good
Sea state: Ripples
14.30 - Rounding Tarifa
Coordinates 35.º59’760N 005.º36’810W
Heading: 098 degrees
Wind speed: Force 6
Wind direction: South East
Cloud coverage: Clear
Visibility: Good
Sea state: Large wavelets
Got a visitor from some flying fish and a dude doing windsurf came super fast out of nowhere and don’t think he saw us until he got quite close. We both waved goodbye.
14.45 - Autopilot Error
Coordinates 35.º59’877N 005.º34’691W
Heading: 074 degrees
Wind speed: Force 5
Wind direction: South East
Cloud coverage: Clear
Visibility: Good
Sea state: Ripples
Error message on autopilot reads: “UNEXPECTED SOFTWARE RESET”, glad there’s one of us always on watch.
17.30 - Arrival to Gibraltar
Total hours of the trip: 11h
Total hours motoring: 5.30h
Total hours motor-sailing: 5.30h
***In the spirit of sharing our dreams and experiences we have shared this blog post in the NOFOREIGNLAND.COM website sailors community.